Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bread Love

Might there be a message in my
recent bread encounters?
First they wont let go of each other, then
the end slices get together.
Imagine the holes, not as shot through, but forming.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

drawing white

that Huron River's twisted my iphone values
store-bought effects cling to lines of sight

Some are fueled by challenge, reaching for the seemingly impossible.
You'll never be able to make that, lad.
And the mighty scores.
Me, I am the opposite. Moving only when praised, I require inordinate amounts.
But when a comparison strokes my chord, I feel launched.
There is something to say after all.
A sketch for a noticer to call out.
Look here, see that?
So, thanks for your email just now.